Friday 15 April 2011

Apr 14 Caurnamont

After leaving Langhorne Creek, we visited the town of Strathalbyn. We were very impressed with Strath - lots of old heritage buildings, clean streets, nice shops and lovely gardens. We think it is in the running for Australia's best town.
No idea what this place is, just loved the doors and the stonework
We thought about going across to Kangaroo Island for a couple of days and made inquiries. But they didn't want our dogs (National Parks) and they didn't want our caravan (very expensive to ferry across) so we have decided to leave it until a later trip.
Close by to Strathalbyn is a very small town called Salem. Not sure what it has other than a Lutheran Church, which is where we decided to pull in to for lunch. Nice setting between the church and the graveyard.

Special prize for anyone who can decipher what is written under the clock
 Not sure exactly why, but we ended up back along-side the Murray River again. This time we are at a place called Caurnamont, which is at a ferry crossing point. Some of the camping area is still quite soft after the recent flooding. That became very evident when we got our car bogged. Special thanks to the kind local farmer, in a "proper" 4-wheel drive who helped us out.

Here is the map of our travels so far in South Australia, with the purple line showing our route, the stars indicating where we have stayed the night and circles showing some of the stops along the way.

We are staying here a second night. Bit worried about what will happen from now on as school holidays start today in South Australia. Maybe it will become a lot busier on the road and at the camp sites. We'll see...


  1. hey mum and dad,

    it looks great! have i mentioned how glad i am that i convinced you to do the blog?
    had a good look at the clock words, can't figure it out. do you actually know what it says?

    much love,

  2. ...and the prize goes to Pamela :)
    The first word is 'ev.' which is short for 'evangelisch', which is 'protestant' or 'Lutheran'... something like that. The third word is 'Friedenskirche', which is 'peace church' or 'church of peace', whichever sounds better in English ;) I have no idea about the second word. I think it should be something that goes together with protestant peace church.
