Tuesday 30 August 2011

Aug 24-26 Inland to Chinchiila

We left our roadside stop early and went first to Miriam Vale for a coffee and then on to Gin Gin where we stopped for breakfast in our van. We stopped for lunch at Biggenden - a quintessential small country town. We enjoyed our stroll around the town.
Fancy sculpture in a park at Biggenden

We drove on to Murgon, another small country town and decided to stay in the council-run caravan park. Nothing special. The caretaker had an annoying dog called Coco who continually intimidated Princess.

The following day we were keen to check out Kingaroy, the home of Former Qld premier Joh Bjelke-Peterson. We were disappointed - not a statue to be found. No pumpkin scones anywhere either. They did name a dam after them though but that was about the extent of it. We spent some time at the Information Centre come Museum and learnt a bit about peanut growing. Had no idea where peanuts came from before that.

On the way to Kingaroy, we stopped at a small town called Wondai. We enjoyed the art gallery there as well as an art project around town called Blue Poles. Commissioned works of art were mounted on blue wooden posts. Clever! This was also the first place in all of Australia where we have been warned by a shire officer for having our dog off the leash. Princess, the criminal! He was quite nice about it though.
The old shire office at Kingaroy

And the more modern shire council building

We were on our way to Chinchilla when we found a camp spot about 5km out of town. After a nice quiet night, we decided to stay the next day and another night. No facilities so we roughed it - and enjoyed it. Back to lighting fires and digging toilet holes. The second night was punctuated with a visit from the local hoons who decided to use the nearby area for practicing their rally driving. They didn't last too long though.
A majestic old pub at Jandowe on the way to Chinchilla

We found a pretty and peaceful camp site just before Chinchilla

Our bush camp site

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