Monday 29 August 2011

Aug 23 Town of 1770

I didn't know there was a place in Australia called "Town of 1770" until a german friend (Peter) told me about it a couple of years ago. So we had to go and visit and see it for ourselves. This is the site where Captain Cook landed on the Queensland coast in the year of (you guessed it) 1770. It's a lovely point of land and would have been even better if the wind was blowing a little less than it was on the day we were there. We spent the night in a gravel pit on the side of the road a few kms out of town. Bit noisy with passing traffic but we slept OK.
The windy point of 1770

The rough side of the 1770 point

Another rough side
The other side of the point where it is a bit calmer - where Cook went ashore

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