Thursday 19 May 2011

May 18 Emily Arrives in Alice

Excitement at Alice Springs airport for the arrival of Emily (our eldest daughter). Today was a quick tour of Alice, starting with Ruby's house. We then had a lovely lunch at the trendy Oscar's restaurant at the northern end of Todd Mall.
Welcome to Alice Springs Emily!
Ruby, Emily and Judith in the Todd St Mall

Me and Em at Oscar's
After lunch we went first to the Royal Flying Doctor Service museum. Here in outback Australia, folks rely on the RFDS for everyday medical services that we take for granted in the cities. Didn't know they had over 50 planes. And at a replacement cost of over $6M, that's a lot of donations needed to keep them in the air. Apparently the government only provides funding towards operational costs (not capital).

Then we went on to the old Telegraph Station. These were some of the first buildings in Alice Springs. Also learnt about how the first telegraph line was installed to enable communications to and from Alice Springs (albeit only Morse code).

At the Alice Springs old Telegraph Station

and again at the old Telegraph Station

Emily enjoying the sites at Alice Springs

"Need a bath?" Hmm, is that time of the week again?
We saw the original Alice Spring. A bit disappointing - it's not even a spring, it's just a puddle that hangs around because of a granite layer under the sand.

This is Alice Spring.

It was great to see Emily again and reunite our little family.

Emily had the choice of sharing a bed with her sister or sleeping on the fold-down table with mum & dad in the caravan. We'll see her again in the morning.

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