Friday 8 April 2011

Day 8 - Back to Merbein

Final morning in Broken Hill after 3 nights. Another sunny day and a cloud-less sky. We had the solar shower all ready for the previous day but the water went cold before we got around to organising a shower. So we boiled some water in the morning and rigged up the shower. I'm very proud of our Racecourse shower. And I think our fellow campers were quite jealous of us (even though they had showers and toilets inside their $300,000 Winebagos).
Formerly the Punters Club Hut - but now the Koops' Shower Hut
Inside the Shower Hut
(of course we moved the chair and TV out of the way)

The next town (260kms south) after leaving Broken Hill is Wentworth which is on the NSW side of the Murray River and where the Darling and Murray Rivers come together. There are some fascinating sand hills just outside Wentworth - a lovely spot to stop for an afternoon coffee.
The Perry Sand Hills at Wentworth NSW
We all enjoyed some excersize after several hours driving

Princess just loved running up the hills

Spike finally made it up the hill but was absolutely buggered

Ruby, this one's  for you. Check out Spike's ears in the breeze!
 We looked for the meeting point of the Murray and Darling Rivers, but due to recent flooding the road was closed. We walked through the area and took this photo of the Wentworth picnic grounds.

We decided to go back to Merbein (near Mildura) again. We were able to set up camp on the same site that we were on a few days earlier. A few of the same people were still there and our previous neighbours had just left that morning. It really is a lovely spot. I couldn't help myself and took some more photos of the Murray at dusk.

The view up river from our camp site at Merbein
From Merbein, we have come back home to Talbot for a quick pit stop. We need to add a few things and get rid of a few things so we'll be just right for the big trip!


  1. Got nothing to say, but I am watching you...

  2. And anyway, what's with the fish following the mouse? Wouldn't the mouse eat the fish? Or are they really really big fish?

  3. if you click in the tank, it gives them food :)

  4. Hahaha Graham's watching you!!!!

    I love spike so much! he's so cute!!!!!

    that photo with mum maes it look like she's running up the hill?!?!
    that cant be right... :S
